Thursday, September 23, 2010

Arranged Marriage

I decided to share my idea of arranged marriage after reading this article."When Life's Partner Comes Pre-Chosen" by Shoba Narayan is about a woman who had an arranged marriage by her parents and now lives happily with her husband. This article was published in The New York Times on 5/4/95. Her parent suggested arranges marriage to her. The guy was living in United States and he was Indian as her. They went out for several dates and liked each other. He proposed her and she accepted. They got married and living in Connecticut. In early of their marriage they got into the fight and she got exhausted. But soon she realized that how hard he is trying to make the marriage better. Soon they found themselves loving and care for each other.

The arranged marriage was popular in Korea a long time ago. That time the social stratus was very clear and had great impact on people. The economical ability and the class of the family were very important in marriage. So the high class people married with high class people and the low class people married with low class people by their family member decisions. Both of my grandparents also married through arranged marriage and they love each other till now. They said that they did not know who they were going to marry. They did not know the personality, name or anything else. They could not ask or say anything but only follow the decision had made for them. First there were lots of problems like problem with any other couple, but the time goes by, they became perfects partner for each other.

Now the arranged marriage is less popular than before, but still many people are using the method. The arranged marriage is defined differently now. Before it was decided by parents and sons and daughters had to follow it, but now you have a choice. You know what kind of person you are going to meet and after few dates you can decide whether you are going have a deeper relationship or not. It totally depends on you, but only the opportunity is offered by parents or family members.

In rare cases the old way of arranged marriage are still followed. For example, I heard in the news that one girl who born in the high class and her father was the representative of this well known international business company. She loved the guy who born in the middle class. The girl had a fiancé arranged by her parents but she couldn't love him. She tried so hard to persuade her parents, but they didn't change their mind. So she choose to die which committing a suicide.

I personally think it doesn't matter whether the arranged marriage is allowed or not allowed. But the marriage should be done by the decision of those who get married, because it takes a pig portion of the life journey.

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