Thursday, September 23, 2010

In class

Writing a blog while in class. I don't know what to really write about, maybe i'll discuss my project. My project is cartoon trailer of Oedipus. I made it seem really epic, I thought it fit the theme rather well. It also shows the major ideas and themes of Oedipus in a simplistic matter. It took longer to finish then I thought it would. This is mainly due to the fact that I cartooned at 30fps. This means there are 30 pictures per second. My movie is the size of a trailer so it is hitting about 2 minutes. 120 seconds*30 picture=3600 pictures. I did this so the movie would move somewhat crisply. I am a little rusty on cartooning, but I think it is still rather impressive and sharp. Also, I am colorblind so don't judge me too harshly if the color is a little off. I didn't do it for this project, but I am also able to program games on flash (also very time consuming). Also, I had a lot of trouble finding music for the video. I used newgrounds because they have free to download, open source music. Also, I just recently checked out stuff on Gary's Mod; I am a programer (comp sci major) and I find it interesting. I saw it in class today, so it is fresh on my mind. Anyway, I am rambling, so blog over. Catch you later.

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