Thursday, September 23, 2010

Students Fed Unhealthy Food On Campus

Junk food/fast food is readily available and is "affordable" throughout the states. However, you would think that at least on college campuses there would be healthy food available, that is, unprocessed foods. One would think that it is ideal for campuses to offer healthy food. After all, colleges and universities are places where people go to "learn" and become educated. That being said, one would assume that campuses would have healthy food. Yet, it is as if we are unaware about the dangers of eating junk food. Basically we are fed lots of calories along with preservatives and all sorts of other "good stuff" that goes down our stomach because that is all that is offered to the students. So they eat what is on site/campus most of the time.
We know that the food offered throughout campuses are unhealthy. But that is the way it is because it is about money. The corporations/ food providers sell food to colleges which sell it to students at a pretty high price. It's all about maximizing profits and it's about money over people/students. So either way the quality and price of food is linked to maximizing profits by the institutions and by the companies/corporations that provide food.
The only type of food on campuses that I can think of which is not harmful are salads and fruits. People can't eat that 3 times a day as meals. The potato chips has all those vitamins, the processed chicken/beef/pork has lots of proteins and calories. It seems like that type of food is just fine for the body and even delicious but it is exactly the opposite ( it may be delicious with cheese, mayonnaise, and salt). The fact of the matter is that fast food is "fast" and cheap and that is why it is all around off campus and on campus. At least off campus you can spent more or even less money to buy healthy food. You don't have any choice on campus.
Remember, healthy food is not so cheap compared to junk food/ "fast food". It costs more and takes more time to prepare and serve healthy food. And all that equals less profits for corporations and institutions. No wonder junk food is chosen over healthy food, on campuses.

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