Thursday, September 23, 2010


Black or Green? Hot or cold? Its funny how strong our senses are so sensitive to even the slightest differences in temperature or taste. Tea is somewhat plain and full at the same time, Its amazing that our taste buds are capable of fulfilling such a delicate task of allowing us to recieve the pleasures and tastes of tea. Tea is originally considered more of a permanent life style for those who live in Asia, but now exists everywhere. Sometimes the taste of tea will not even buzz our taste buds but sometimes we taste everything and then we become overwhelmed by the fealing of all the aromas in our minds just filling us with warm and flavorful feelings. Why does tea have its distinct taste from such a bizarre place? (tea leaves) Well I believe the natural flavors percieved by the tea leaves and water seem to fit so well together as they both go hand in hand in nature.

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