Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do you call it 'Hot-Tempered?'

Alright, I don't know exactly how to say that word in English, and 'hot-tempered' is what I found in dictionary. I am a hot-tempered person, I really am. When I get stuck, I can't let myself calm down. None of my family do that, but I scream or throw something against the floor. I try not to, but if the situation seriously sucks, I can't help myself to be a jerk. The bank, telephone company, and my landlord are usually the ones who make me want to fight them. Oh, also my laptop(it's SO slow!!!), wallet(it doesn't have any money when I need), people who doesn't know how to drive and damage others cars, people who smell really bad.. etc. All the things are combined and bother me when I'm not in a good mood. Right now is one of the moments though. The video thing bothered me for 3 hours and this space doesn't allow us to copy and paste, so I had to type same things 9 times. Anyway, my boyfriend doesn't like it when I'm angry. he doesn't want to try to understand me when I'm angry. Oh what am I saying now:( I have 8 more blogs to go tonight and I'm writing my whole life story in here!! What I really wanted to say was Oedipus may be a hot tempered person too. because he killed a man(i mean his father) only because he was so angry with him! Of course, sometimes there are some people that really make you angry. But it's too much if you want them to be die, isn't it? But there are some psyco who really kill the people after fighting. Oedipus was one of them, the PSYCO
Oh and I brought this image from a site named

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