Thursday, September 23, 2010


People each have their own setbacks, which can deteirorate lives from the inside out. The greeks call it Harmatia I said in class mine was I try to hard, but looking now I say I care to much. My friend says hers is focusing. Haha, haha.
Back to me, I do all times. I feel I should because people don't care enough.
Its a harmatia because it attracts hate.
HATE ME, it's easier.
I care about this planet and everyone from babies to fossils should start.
I care about Theatre, and this Theatre department had done a sad a job. They are lucky to have you as part of their faculty and supposedly they say they need more money, bullshit. Nick is so old school he serves better as faculty. Just today, you said all a university needs to transcend is falcuty, students, and research. Where is our reasearch?
I care about:
Art, ie. passions.
this planet.
people, generally.
the beyond
I care about you, do you?
Time is to learn, create, and remake.
The planet is robbed every day, I mean we love to judge but when do we demand justice.
It's as if we are just asking to burn.


  1. Harmatia can be defined as a flaw that leads to a tragic ending for a certain individual. Personally, my flaw would be laziness. Procrastination is something that arises from my laziness where I wait until the last second to accomplish any given tasks. This becomes very problematic when it comes to academics where my laziness often times lead me to ultimately receiving undesirable grades.

  2. i fear my caring will lead to my death.
