Thursday, September 23, 2010

Keep going...

This year so far, has not been a good year. Many deaths have occurred around me and around my friends, last semester reached new levels of horridness, and it seems like breakups and relationship drama have been dealt out left and right. What the hell happened at New Years that brought upon all this bad luck? I guess Aristotle would say this is a bump in the road, a piece of the tragedy and it makes for a good piece of work. My facebook status says that It has to get worse before it gets better, so if you’re going through hell…keep going. These are two quotes that I molded together. The first one, I literally got from a representative from Carol’s Daughter (a hair and skin product line) at a beauty program here at Stony Brook. We were talking about clearing up our skin and purifying it naturally. She said that it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Even though I knew she was talking about the field of zits on most of our faces, that quotes been rattling around in my brain and I realized this applies to most things. We have to go through the hard crap, experience rock bottom, and then things will be better. The second part, I saw on a magnet at my dad’s house said by Winston Churchill. Just saying that quote ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going,” makes me feel exhausted.

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