Thursday, September 23, 2010

my reaction to Oedipus story

Jesus Christ, now this is exactly 9th time I'm trying to upload this video. Seriously what is wrong with this site? I'm typing the same things over and over and over and over again!!!!!! God!!

Alright, AGAIN, I was going to talk a little more about how Oedipus can be compared to what I've played in this recording, but my wonderful digital camera always tend to turn off itself, especially when it's being touched or moved while recording. And I have no patient to redo it from the beginning, I'm just going to write a brief explain.

The first part (-00:50) is the introductory of the story. The King Laius finds out that his son is cursed and going to kill his father and marry to his mother, so he decides to abandon him.

The second part (-01:05) could be the part that a shepherd rescues the baby and names hime Oedipus.

The third part (-01:22) is the part that Oedipus has an fight with his father and kills him without knowing that was his father.

The fourth part (-02:07) represents Oedipus's new life as a King, and also as a husband of his mother. He still doesn't know about it, but he's finally find out what he have done in the part six (-02:20), and from 02:21 to the end, it makes the scene of the tragic ending.

I know it could sound so weird and some people might not agree with me, but this was the best I could do for this assignment since I've never took a video myself before. Oh, and the name of this piece is Suite Opus 14 written by Bela Bartok.

For God's sake, be uploaded. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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