Thursday, September 23, 2010

Anagnorisis and the minds of apes

What would a Greek drama written my chimpanzees look like? Studies have shown that great apes have no ability to understand what knowledge others have. In one study, they are give 2 colors of helmets with visors that cover the face, to try on. The red helmets' visors completely obstruct vision, while the green helmets' do not. The apes are then trained to hold their hands out in front of a trainer to receive food. When put in a room with different trainers wearing each color of helmet, they go up to each trainer equally, putting their hands out for food, unable to comprehend that some trainers can't see them . While most elements of drama would remain the same, Anagnorisis would be missing. Heroes would be in conflict with antagonists, but what they knew or didn't know would be irrelevant to the drama.

Putting ourselves in the minds of others adds a uniquely human side to a situation. We can fear that people will discover terrible truths such as in Oedipus or that their ignorance will lead to their downfall. We can also notice the absurdities that are created when the same situation can have vastly different outcomes due to differences in this invisible space inside our heads that we can never escape, and which can be far more damaging to us that anything tangible.

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