Thursday, September 23, 2010

Enough Is Not Enough

There are people who don't have much but they are happy. Yet, there are also people who have many things but they are not quite happy. Some people are happy with what they have (even if they are barely eating 3 meals a day) while others have abundant material objects and other things but still fall shot of feeling stable and happy. For example, a rich and healthy man with wife, kids, cars, and multiple houses does not feel happy even though it appears that he did what he wanted to and has achieved many desirable things in life. But he is still not satisfied. He looks happy from the outside but from the inside it is like a never ending storm. It is easy to ask, why is that?, he has everything one can want, what's missing?.

Actually, it is not about what is missing. It is about what he thinks is missing or does not have or wants to have. What is that? Maybe he is thinking about the purpose of life--what does it mean now that he has all the desirable things...what's next, what do I do now, what will happen? What is really happening is that he is looking for something that he has not yet experienced or achieved. Therefore, he does not feel satisfied. He is always "looking outward" for things and experiences.

There are many people like that in the world, men, women, and kids, that are looking for something else that they don't have or have not experienced.

Compared to the rich man who has achieved many things that are desired nowadays, the poor man who barely manages to provide food for himself and his family is happier than the rich man.
So what is the difference? You would think that the poor man along with his family are unhappy due to their economic condition and the hardships in life that they have to endure. However, they are still happy or at least not feeling like "I hate this, why is it this way, I want the car, I want a big house, I want to have lots of money". Sure they want money, cars, and a big house so they can live a better life but they are not grieving over things that they don't have. They are living their lives without feeling bad. If they felt that I am missing this or I want that, I want more, what else, What do I do now?, then they would not be feeling so well all the time. If this is the way they think then yes, they will be feeling bad and unstable. That may or may not be apparent to others but emotionally they will be in turmoil.

Now the difference between the rich man and the poor man is becoming clear. The rich man is not happy with what he has.....he is looking outward for more and more whereas the poor man is not constantly looking outward and thinking about what is missing. That's the difference. It's all about how you feel. Even in troubled times one can feel happy or at least smile whereas someone who appears to be having an easy life with all the desirable things in life is unhappy and mentally ill.

The take home message is this :Don't feel bad that you don't have such and such and didn't get to do so and so. Think about what you have and what you have done, now, and what you can do with that to make things better for yourself and others. Then you won't feel bad or at least won't feel like you are missing out or whatever. So it all comes down to your perception and what you make of you life and your "situation". Lastly, it's good to be optimistic, to think positively, and not feel bad for what you don't have. It is better to think I can have that, I will get that I can do that.
We know that not everything happens the way we want them to so if something does not work out then don't let those "I don't have it, I couldn't do it, Why????" thoughts take over you mind. If you let those type of thoughts revolve in you mind, it will probably be counterproductive.
In conclusion, enough is not enough is just perception. One can feel that what little he/she has is enough or adequate.

"peace comes from within, do not seek it without".
"the mind is everything, what we think we become".
I am not religious and I am not a Buddhist but I feel that it is essential to keep these thoughts in mind because it just makes sense.

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