Thursday, December 16, 2010

50th blog!

I can't believe i finally made it to 50 blogs. when i first found out we had to blog fr this class i thought it was a littel weird because i had never blogged before but it actually turned out pretty cool. its fu to just let out your thoughts and opinions even ifno one actually reads it. it is still important to get it all out there. Overall i enjoyed this class a lot. At the final it seemed like we were one big family. Everyone was excited and happy to be there and it was really nice seeing our hard work pay off. I think Professor Baldwin is a great professor and really knows what he is talking about. even though he might yell at us fr our stony brook faces or our "i don't know" answers, he does it for the best of us. All he wants is for each of us to be successful and im sure he really left a great impact on all the students he had. good luck next semester everyone! see you all around campus.

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