Thursday, December 16, 2010


Procrastination is like karma.
It always comes back and bites you in the behind.
You'd think that being a junior and all I would realize and learn from past mistakes that if I start things on time, my load will end up lighter in the end. This year I've made improvements in certain areas which is progress being that I haven't even fixed this horrible habit of mine. So, I can look back on this semester as a baby step forward. Sadly though, big changes like this take time and don't happen over night so I am stuck with still a huge load of work in front of me.
I don't know what it is about procrastination. It is like a drug. It's seduces you in every possible way, the excitement you get when you know you should be doing something but chose to do something completely in the opposite direction of important. Is it our rebellious nature that causes this untreatable magnetic attraction? It's like Eve and that apple, a siren's calling that pulls you away from your work. Even now, this here is a form of procrastination, more productive since it is mandatory and also an assignment, but I should be starting my paper or studying for my exam in the morning, but instead I am catching up on my blog entries, which is surprisingly stress relieving.

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