Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finally Finished!

I can finally breathe normally and eat normally.
I am finally, FINALLY, finished with all of my final exams.
I emailed my WRT 302 professor my 10 page research paper.
I took my BIO 202 exam yesterday morning.
I took my PSY 240 exam this morning.
And I just finished my EST 201 exam.
And now, I am almost done with all the posts for this THR 104 class.
What a wonderful feeling.

I have such a bad habit of not going to sleep and not eating while I study for exams.
I have so many things that I want to be done and so many things that I want to study that sleep seems like a total waste of time. (But then again, because I didn't sleep the night before, I was falling asleep during my BIO exam....)
Eating also seemed like a distraction and if I ate, I would get sleepy from eating.
Yeah, it seems really extreme.. but the past few days, I think I ate a total of 4 meals...
If I were put in a situation where surviving meant eating, I would lose. I would probably wait until everyone got something then start to eat.
But by then, everyone would have finished the food by then.

This world is so harsh and so unfair.
Exams are a total GPA downer. I don't do well on exams but I do really well in the field.
I'm not the sort of person that can read and just remember what I read.
I learn really quickly, but it takes time for me to remember everything important...
Oh well. Untill the new year starts, no more exams for me!

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