Thursday, December 16, 2010

Long Overdue "The Tank" pictures

Here are the long overdue pictures from our THR final at The Tank.

I must admit, the trip to the city was a wonderful experience. Out of all the finals I had to take, this one was probably the best because I really miss the hustle and bustle of the city. I can't wait to go home already!

I really enjoyed THR class because it was a much smaller class than most of my other classes and therefore I got to connect with people on a more personal basis. My other classes are lecture classes with 300 or so people. >_<

After leaving the theater, Harrison, Alex, Chris, and I went out to eat and walked all over Times Square. It was a really great experience and probably the most fun I've had in a while. Chem class is never that much fun. Most of the time, we just sit in the Union Auditorium, listen to an old man talk for about an hour and a half, and try not to fall asleep.

I'm really going to miss you guys!

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