Thursday, December 16, 2010

Studying for Finals

I would have never thought studying for a costume class would be so tedious. I must master all the names of the different stitches, gadgets and gizmos, lengths and measurements, vocabulary and mechanics of costume by 11am tomorrow morning. I'm more of a hands on kind of gal, who learns better and faster with experience. Although I love reading for leisure, it's harder to absorb information if I cannot relate to it, I believe that would go for most of us. Anyways, when people think of theater classes and requirements, I feel like most look down upon it. They think of it as a joke and don't take it seriously compared to bio or chem.(not that i'm pointing any fingers) but just in general. I just feel like no matter how lowly a subject or career may seem, there's always an art and level of skill behind it. There are so many big shots that walk around like they know everything or what they know IS everything. I resent that attitude. If I were to ask them the details of design they wouldn't be able to tell me because it is not in their area of concentration. If I asked them to design a set or just create a piece of art, most people can't anymore. Even though there is no such thing as correct in art, there is still skill. I feel like it is harder and harder for people to create things now and that's a pity. So much of our society is mechanic, running on batteries and turning wheels. Are we progressing or limiting ourselves?

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