Thursday, December 16, 2010


I am finally done with my finals, all I have left are these blog entries which I will definitely finish by tonight.
It amazes me how much caffeine is an asset to my life during this cruel cruel week. Starbucks has become my second home and without that buzz of energy, I don't think surviving this week would be humanly possible. Even though it is 7:30 and I've been going non stop at finals and projects since 6 in the morning, I don't feel a thing.
All I'm doing is waiting for that crash to hit me. I still feel kind of jittery right now and hence the random entry for which I apologize.
Technology does not like me because I keep trying to upload videos onto my youtube account and constantly that little sad red face would appear apologizing for the inconvenience of how it just absolutely could not load my file correctly.
I feel like every piece of technology now is being updated. I'm the only one who's slacking in this area because I feel like every program I seem to open alerts me on how I can't do this function or that function because I need to update it. I just simply don't have the time or money to keep up with all these updates!

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