Thursday, December 16, 2010

Break Time!

While studying for a psychology exam, I came across the topic of love.
Hmm.. I never knew love could be so complex.
I just thought of it as having strong feelings for something and doing everything for them unconditionally.

Unconditional love.
Seems to be the something that everyone wants and looks for, but could never find.


This psych test is going to be the difference between me getting another C in a psychology class or me finally getting a B.

But I should be happy, right?
Just two more finals to go, and then I can finally rest and chill.
Most of my senior friends are already finished with their finals.

Hopefully, during this holiday season, people will find love and be able to spend time with their beloveds.

(hahaha.. my friend is humming to this chinese song that is playing in my room in her sleep.)

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