Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Class After Scavenger

I was more than excited to see the reaction of the class after the Scavenger hunt goof up. I was waiting for bullets to fly freely. And infact they did. The debate between Chris, Charise, Giselle and Rita Mary was intense. The ladies were fully accusing us of cheating and foul play and guys on my team were defending their actions by calling them an act to win the game.

I wasn't concerned about the outcome, I was amazed to see the 'Battle Of Sexes' going on in front of me. All through the semester we discussed sexism and its presence in modern day life. I keenly noticed that girls on our side were quiet and guys on the other team were silent too. So out and out it was a fight between men and women. And, it was fight on a silly thing between educated people. Still, noone was ready to throw the weapons.

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