Saturday, November 27, 2010


Working at an incredibly busy retail store i have realized one thing... people have no hearts.from morning to night no matter how neat the store is, each customer will take a shot at destroying what one very tired employee worked on for 3 hours the night before until 11. Now why should those customers care if they are paying for the clothes? Thts what anyone would say. But we the employees are not machines, we are human, we are not slaves, but we are workers who deserve to be treated with respect. Many customers forget that and treat us as if we are nothing compared to them. Of course The difficulties we are face are more than just the customer. The managers are another story and they can easily be even worse. Managers are supposed to show professionalism and be an example for the employees especially with their actions. Yet some managers show far from that as they very obviously pick favorites, slack on the job, and holding grudges on misunderstandings.
In fact i have had my own personal experience with one of those issues. One night i had requested to leave earlier than planned and the manager accepted on the condition that i finish all the work i had for that night. Quickly i did as i was told and finished so i could leave. When the time came the manager asked for anther 5 minutes of my time there and i agreed foe she was doing me a favor. Once those 5 minutes were up i asked once again if i could leave and she said to just attend the last customer (i was on the register that night). Then suddenly another.2 customers appeared. By that time it had already been 15 min past the time that we had agreed on for me to leave. So once again i reminded her and with no warning she suddenly became angry and told me that i could not act this way and that had it been another manager i would have been written up. I was shocked at her reaction and felt betrayed by a manager who i believed to be fair and helpful. For
the next few weeks she would bring it up and shove it in my face any chance she could. It was the most unprofessional thing i had ever witnessed and was disappointed in her behavior. Still to this day she does little things to make my work harder for me, funny thing is... it has been a year.

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