Tuesday, November 30, 2010

milo/ technology

yesterday in class we watched a video about the milo project and how such technology could replace pink collar jobs. I think there are both pros and cons to the system, however personally I would not want such technology to be an integral part of my life. Yes, the technology would offer faster and more efficient "secretaries" or a machine could easily take your order for coffee, but then you miss the essential human interaction that makes going to a particular coffee shop or doctors office that keeps you coming back and makes you feel like you matter. Human interaction is what keeps people feeling comfortable, whether it's sharing a joke or someone listening to your rant about the commute over. When you start replacing people with machines it makes the experience much more depersonalized and less meaningful. The idea of leaving my future child with something like the new xbox kinect was just awful, I could never trust any child to a camera or robot. What if there was an emergency? how could the child be fed? Not to mention that a child growing up listening to robots and missing human connection would have a whole host of social issues. Technology has it's place, but I believe people although they may not be as fast or efficient are what make people have positive experiences in the service industries they require.

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