Saturday, November 27, 2010

Plucking Strings

There are some things that get me all riled up, or stressed out. I have never been they type of person to ever let out my anger and frustration, so what I enjoy doing best is playing guitar. I have only played for two years now, but I believe I am making some progress. I originally wanted to start playing guitar to impress my ex-girlfriend. Before, I even got my guitar, we broke up. Maybe she had a dream on how bad I would be when I started out or something.

Anyways, once I began to play, I instantly loved it. It is not the easiest instrument in the world. In fact, it is quite difficult. I have never had formal lessons, and I have taught myself everything I know. But it is something that I have developed a significant passion for, and will continue to keep playing for as long as my fingers will let me go. The next step would be to be able to sing and play at the same time. However, I think i should work on my voice first. I break glass as it is. One of my friends told me that I had one of the worst voices he has ever heard. I took it as a compliment.

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