Monday, November 29, 2010

Is it all worth it?

This is going to be a depressing post, so I apologize in advance. I may be a little lazy, and just want to have fun, but I was amazed at how much I actually dreaded coming to school today. The only good thing about school right now are the few and short rehearsals we have for Hamlet. Everything else sucks. I have zero friends, my classes suck, I can't get into any other classes for next semester, and finals are coming up.
Being a transfer at this school, I really got screwed over. Last semester I had some fat slob who didn't know what he was doing, basically pick out all of my classes for me.. and now I'm doing horrible in them no matter how hard I try! So I figured, okay just do your best and get through it, next semester will be better! Boy, was I wrong. Next semester already blows. Yes, I'm taking classes that I actually WANT to take, but I don't have an advisor to help me anymore (the other guy got fired) and because I have such a low amount of credits at this school, I couldn't register until later.. and now I'm only enrolled in three classes, everything else is closed! Just my luck I guess.
I work my ass off, at work and at school. I just don't know if it's worth it sometimes. Yes, I would love to have that college degree, but is it really worth all this trouble? I'm not going to be a teacher some day or a business woman, nothing. All I want to do is act. To slip away and portray someone else for a few hours, make my audience slip into my world and forget about all their troubles.

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