Saturday, November 27, 2010

The long way home

Going on the subway to work almost every day can be such a pain. Ever had the really smelly bum get on the train cart you’re in and the next stop just happens to be the longest stop on the train ride so you can’t escape? How about when the train is so full that you are breathing down other peoples necks, and then one person gets upset with you for stepping on their shoe by accident? Or better yet, having your headphones on and not hearing that the train that is supposed to take you home is now changing routes and going all the way back to the city? Yea its all happened to me. Makes you just want to yell at the bum to go take a shower, and tell that loud obnoxious woman to take a cab if its such a problem. The subway gives too much stress, more than I need and already have on a daily basis!

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