Thursday, December 2, 2010

Aaron D. Neufeld

Aaron D. Neufeld- BLOG #40- ‘Tele-Kinetitech”

In an earlier post, I discussed “Move-tech,” which is what I see our modern modern technology becoming. I discussed how we have advanced from technology that required wires such as telephones, desktops, and even gaming systems, to wireless technology of cell phones, wireless Internet, keyboards, controllers, etc. Today we have the Kinect, which allows us to interact in video games, and the like solely based on our movement. Forget wires and forget wireless because the Kinect requires no physical contact what so ever. Instead, the Kinect’s internal cameras read our movement and much more, allowing for interaction.

So where do we go from here? What does the future hold in terms of technology? If we have come so far, so quickly, what comes next? I can easily see a future model of the Kinect called “Tele-Kinect,” a play on words from the word “Telekinetic.” Because this is where I see the future of gaming, television, and technology as a whole going. The future of technology will rely on our minds. Brain-waves will allow us to change the channel while watching television and allow us to control avatars on-screen in video games. Brain waves will allow us to answer our phones and control every aspect of various technologies. I know some telekinetic devices already exist such as one that tracks brain-waves allowing the user to concentrate on lifting a ball into the air, but that is very basic and just the beginning. Ultimately, I believe that telekinesis will be a thing of the norm.

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