Thursday, December 2, 2010

Aaron D. Neufeld

Aaron D. Neufeld- BLOG #28- ‘Tech: Good or Bad?’

On the topic of if technology and the digital world… is it good or bad? Many people say that with the advent of this modern technology, which encourages digital communication and the creation of various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and others, people should be communicating now more than ever.

The only thing is that although these sights claim to form new friendships and relationships, all of this communicating is digital! There are no real relationships coming from the web. The majority of your facebook friends are people you’ve never met and may never meet! They are all pretty much pen-pals and digi-friends. Instead of forming connections, the web is creating hermits who stay indoors sitting on their asses all day, typing away, instant messaging and texting with their friends under the guise of socializing when in fact they are all alone.

The Internet and technology brings a lot of flatness to the world. Everything is on screen, from your friends and family, to games, television, schoolwork and even professions. Thinking about it this way, modern technology, although very proficient, is creating much uniformity, eliminating originality, and changing reality

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