Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Post 44: Yet Another Kinect Hack

My Previous ideas for the future hack/applications of the Kinect covered school ling as well as fitness training. What if hospitals used the technology to train surgeons how to perform new surgeries and procedures. The trainee's avatar can be placed in a virtual hospital room with a virtual patient who has to have a procedure done. Using the motion tracking capabililites, the trainee can then practice the steps necessary to complete the surgery. IF he or she screws up, no one dies in real life, there are no law suits filed and no personal guilt is created. It would take the old Operation game and bring it to life with a real time application. Surgeons would be able to perfect their skills and methods before ever touching a human being in real life so that when their first time approaches, they are ready and confident. Hospitals can also use the kinect for therapeutic applications. Those suffering from terminally ill diseases who cant get out and explore the world can do so in a virtual world from the comfort of their hospital bed. People who need physical therapy can now get the aid they need but through fun, immerse game settings. Emergency rooms can use the facial recognition system to quickly sign in patients and sign them out so there is no more waiting around. I know the last time I was in the emergency room, the doctor cleared me to be released but I didn't get my release papers for another 2 hours after, simply because there was one women sighing patients out for the entire ER.

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