Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mother Courage Irony

Mother Courage is a work against fascism. The background is thirty years' war in Germany. Mother Courage trying to make a living in the war with her three children. The woman who put her whole life on war and run risks all the time, finally end up with tragedy. The "courage" strands for the necessary characteristic of a "nobody" to earn a life in such a big war. Brecht writes about a small potato because he wants to show that war brings nothing good for roughscuff. They are not heroes that recorded in history, but sacrificial lamb in the conflicts. No matter who win, common people always lose the most.

In Mother Courage's opinion, war is a profitable business for big cheeses, and common people like her should share a little bit of the pie, to feed family. But when her children leave her, and daughter hurt, she curses the war. So, first of all, her attitude toward the war is contradictory. She sell stuff which actually support the war, but the war destroys her family. She is a victim and supporter of the war at the same time.And from the beginning to the end, she doesn't learn a lesson in the process, even not recognize that she herself should be responsible for destroying the family. how ironic it is!

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