Friday, November 26, 2010

Small World (小さい世界)!

So I talked with my friends boyfriend (he's in Japan and a native Japanese) over Skype. He tells me yesterday night that he was talking with a very good friend of his, and his friend did a screen share to show him something. In the process, he saw my name on his skype list and realized it was me! The reason he was on my skype list was caused I added him from a language exchange site, but I was not aware at all that it was his friend! It is quite a small world we live in when we experience such stuff, and I've had my fair share; the universe just seems to meet at certain exact points in times for certain people at certain places. This is why we cannot rely on probability all the time, because there are some cases where it just just does, even for the smallest of chances. This is coming from someone that strongly believes in science and the scientific method, but its just at just is. And I have no more to say about it...Cause it JUST IS! :P

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