Wednesday, November 3, 2010

War .. Essential for life?

After we talked about the mother courage and the war, I questioned myself, Is there a limitation for human to survive in any environments? I always thought that the war is not necessary. The word, ‘War’ reminds me of death, sorrow, tears, pain, poverty, and shame. It is because there has been sorrowful history in my country, Korea. All I have heard about the war from my grandparents were the unspeakable pains and misery.
In that content, the war seems like a beast who kills and destroys everything around us. But the reality, at least for some people’s mind, it creates jobs and brings life to the economy which brings better picture to the society, in terms of money.
But Is that life style that were created by the war, ideal? I think even though the money and economy is in good shape because of the money, the pains and sorrow is bigger than the satisfaction from money.
Unfortunately, it seems like there is nothing better than war to create instant but many jobs. Probably that is why we sacrifice ourselves to get involve into the war, because of the greed that is inside of us that convince us that the money brings better reward than letting our family or fiends suffer because of the war.

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