Thursday, December 2, 2010

Aaron D. Neufeld

Aaron D. Neufeld- BLOG #44- ‘3D’

Why is everything these days in 3D?! A few years ago, SPY KIDS 3D came out in theaters and although I didn’t see it because I had already grown out of the kiddy movie stage, I must say I was more than intrigued. A full-length 3D feature film? The only time I’d seen anything in 3D before was in Universal Studios or Disney World on rides like Hone, I Shrunk the Audience or Spiderman: The Ride.

My parents began telling me about how when they were growing up there were 3D films often and that they were popular. I wondered how such awesome technology could be left behind in the past or only put in specialized rides in theme parks. If they have the ability to make films in 3D, why don’t they? I wish I never thought that.

Today, one film after the next is in 3D, and don’t even start me on 3D television! Many of these films are filmed with the 3D aspect in mind so that more focus is put on objects jumping out at audiences rather than on the plot of the film. The result is bunch of crappy films with 3D effects. Why would I give a shit to see a 3D shitty film rather than a 2D good film? I wouldn’t. I’ve had enough! Recently I read that Christopher Nolan titled his third Batman feature, The Dark Knight Rises and that it will not be shot in any 3D. I cannot express how much respect I have for this man for making that one simple decision so far in advance of the film’s release. They haven’t yet even begun production but the man knows he doesn’t want the film to be in 3D. Good for him! That means he is working to deliver a quality script because his audiences won’t be distracted with batarangs whizzing passed their heads.

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