Thursday, December 2, 2010

Aaron D. Neufeld

Aaron D. Neufeld- BLOG #45- ‘Lights, Camera…’

With just over a week until the big show at The Tank in NYC, everyone is finishing up their projects and getting ready. I am glad to hear people talking about it and little rumblings here and there on campus. I actually overheard two people talking about it in the SAC on campus the other day and today one of my professors, Professor Norman Prusslin, announced it to his class and advertised it.

It sounds like media heaven when I hear someone else describe it. A 3D hamlet set with actors acting within, while original music and clips play throughout. Sounds exciting to me. I’m actually upset I can’t make it. Due to my religious observance, I am unable to touch electronics on Saturday, which is my Sabbath. Most people would be delighted that they could get out of a requirement but I am actually disappointed. This sounds really interesting—like nothing I have ever seen or heard of before and this is actually something all of us made together. None of us did it alone. I needed them and they needed me. I wish I could go see the magnificent work in action.

Hopefully someone will record this event and post it to YouTube so I could watch it and pretend I was there later on. Everything we’ve worked for is finally coming together in one place and we are using all the media like social networking sites, the Internet, blackberrys, smart phones, etc. to get the word out! Cool beans!

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