Thursday, December 2, 2010

Aaron D. Neufeld

Aaron D. Neufeld- BLOG #47- ‘ON-DEMAND: PART 2’
Not only are television and movies On-Demand a big deal and a big issue for the industries, but those aren’t the only On-Demand things. Music is now On-Demand as well. Music is at your finger tips with iTunes or other online sources—even illegal ones! Nobody owns CDs anymore. Everything is digital. And what about books? Remember taking trips to the bookstore in the early morning hours before a super popular book title was to be released? (Hello, Harry Potter people!) Well no more! Forget staking out the book stores with your wands and capes and painted on scars for the newest Potter book. Now you can get the book instantly on your e-reader or Kindle!

And that’s not all! There is no longer a need to leave your house! All shopping from bicycles to clothing to sporting tickets, is available online! Order clothes online and they’ll be shipped to your home address. Even restaurants allow you to place your order online and it will be delivered to your door! Everything is on-demand!

What does this mean for the future? Well I have heard about the future of refrigerators. That’s right. Talk of mini screens on refrigerator doors that will allow you to place orders for what’s missing, such as a milk carton or orange juice. Then you park your ass on the couch and wait for the same-day delivery. There will be no need to ever leave the house again. Everything will be on-demand directly from your fingertips to your front door!

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