Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monkey town approaching

Today in class my group and I went over a rough draft of our monkey town performance. It seems like yesterday that we were all sitting in that small classroom and talking about the NYC performance. Twenty something blogs later and a handful of plays under our belt we are all getting our thoughts together to hit the stage. I'm excited but I feel that our group has a good attitude and idea about our project. I found it funny that Hamlet can be taken in so many different directions in such a short amount of time. I overheard some groups discussing there projects and it seems like some are doing broadcast's, actual acting, and fashion shows. It's cool to see everyone take a play and incorporate their own style into a presentation. At first I was going to go for a more safe approach and relate Hamlet to world history. I felt that in both Hamlet and history the characters that play pivotal roles in the story repeat themselves. For excample Hamlet and Ophelia's relationship is similar to the relationship shared between JFF and the first Lady. There is love but at the same time tragedy. I realized that It is a stretch and would be hard to expand on most ideas so I decided to join forces with Harrison. We will be doing a rendition of "Whose line is it Anyway" but through the eyes of Hamlet and the other characters. It's breaking through the developmental stages and taking good shape now. I look forward to seeing everyone there and I hope that everyone is getting through the semesters final weeks with little stress. Take Care all.

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