Friday, November 26, 2010

Japanese Presentation

For Japanese, I have to do an 8 minute presentation all in Japanese. I always make sure to choose non-traditional topics, because I don't want to be one of those people that chooses standard topics like Fuji mountain, Japanese food, or Buddhist temples. Last semester my topic was on the pitch differences during different phrases of word prounciation between native male and female Japanese speakers, as measured by fundamental frequency. This semester I'm doing it on Monosodium Glutamate, a food additive you may have read in the news in the past. Basically, it is added to a lot of instant food or snack-type foods such as Dorito's, chips and dips, fast food (McDonalds fries contains beef extracts from the same process that makes MSG), and of course, the ramen and cup of noodles that comes in those cute-looking boxes. My presentation will focus on its history and health effects, as some studies have found harmful damage with it as a possible neurotoxin. Personally, I believe that as long as you eat a little or some, you will be absolutely fine because most of the foods that have it use WAY too much of it, and it causes problems similiar to high salt intake. I've been going on these sites saying MSG is a killer and the devil, but I think they're quite extreme and don't pertain to the mainstream science community.... In the end, just remember: Moderation, and you will be fine!

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