Thursday, December 2, 2010

Emergency Room Madness

You would think that these days with technology being so modern and so many people capable of doing so many things that things would be faster. Unfortunately things arent like this. Take the emergency room in a hospital. This weekend I had to go to the emergency room twice and both experiences were hell. The first time I went I got to the hospital at 12:30pm and I didnt get into a room until about 3:00. Then the doctor took another hour to actually see me and after that I had to wait more than another hour for someone to take my vitals and they didnt do one of the tests until about 8:00pm. All together I was in that hospital for 9 hours.

The second time I went to the emergency room it was in a different hospital. Once again I had to wait about 3 hours in the waiting room. When I actually got a room the doctor saw me pretty quick and she said that they were going to run a lot of tests on me. I thought it would be better than the first hospital but I was wrong. Sure they did a couple of things right away but it turned out too good to be true. After a couple of hours things went like this...

"We're going to send her for a CT scan soon"

2 1/2 hours later...

"We're going to send her for a different test instead"

1 1/2 hours later...

They finally did the test and everything came out good but I was in that hospital for 14 hours. I thought I was going to die because when you think about it, out of the 14 hours the tests only took about 1 hour all together which means that 13 of those hours was just waiting for something to happen.

This is really unbelievable because you would think that with the way things are today people would work faster. When you go to the emergency room its because you have an EMERGENCY. With all the time you have to wait before you see someone, you could probably die in the waiting room. People need to do something now and not later before something really bad happens if it already hasnt.

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