Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today's works.

As I wrote before, I got a lot of projects due next week. :(
So I will be super busy!!
Today I finished two coding assignments in a row and worked on my android game.
I feel quit proud of myself. Since the two coding assignments are due a week from today and I got them done already. I think I have never finished an assignment that early..lols.
I also worked on my android project for my other class. I just simply created a memory game and a small application. I am planning to make them more interesting and more funs. Hopefully, I would have enough time to make more apps. It is very exciting to make apps with phone. It is because I can actually play on something and use something that is coded by myself. One sad thing about it is that I dont own a smartphone... :( However, I will. I think I will able to get one during the winter. Right now, I just doing the testing on the android simulator. I found out previously that I can use actual code instead of using the block editor that app inventor provide. I think that will give me more flexibility to do various function. I will try on that later on, because I dont have enough time for now. The project is due next Thursday and my class will possibly holding a showcase for this.
One disappointing fact that I want to point out is that for the show that we are making for this class, I wanted to be part of the coding team. I am so excited with the kinect thing that prof showed in the class. However, I did not think I would have enough time to do another "big" project like this in this short amount of time. I am like that kind of person. Once I got involved into something, I would do all my best to do it. This time I decided not to, because I do not want to risk my other classes's grade. I wish I would have a chance to work on such great project later on..

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