Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pink collar jobs

Professor Baldwin always talks about how he doesn't want us to have pink collar job. I totally agree with him. He told us about students that graduate from Yale and end up working at Starbucks. That to me sounds a but scary. It makes me think, what's going to happen to me? Am I going to graduate Stony Brook and land some awesome job at some upcoming newspaper? Or am I going to strap on a Starbucks apron and makes some lattes? Well I don't know the future so I can't really answer those questions for you. But I can tell you what I do want. Of course I want that newspaper job. I mean who wants to work at a pink collar job after they graduate college with a masters? Very few people. I mean right now in my life I do have a pink collar job because I'm a college student and that's just what we do. How many college student do you know that are already settled in a professional job? None. Because that's why we're going to college, to get those professional jobs. Hopefully. But I'm optimistic. Not unrealistic. Optimistic and realistic, I think that's a good combination. I'm going to do what Professor Baldwin told us to do. I'm going to 'think outside the box'. I'm going to start getting more creative and innovative in my major. Take some risks. Create some new ideas. That's the direction that I think most successful people go in.

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