Friday, November 26, 2010

Another Idea!

The deadline for the project is coming up soon and my group still does not know what to do. We thought about changing the story around but that was more confusing than we thought it out to be. So we thought of doing something more simple. A Hamlet finger puppet musical! There are these finger puppets that we can purchase online and use it for the project. As for the script we were thinking of keeping some important lines and scenes but create our own lyrics to add to the show. We would use our interpretation of various scenes in Hamlet where we think is important and incorporate it into our project. We would also create our own background scenes or maybe find someway to project the background using a projector. We are not sure if we also want to change the ending or throw in another twist like make the lyrics more modernized but keep the important parts in the play such as Hamlet's soliloquy the same without any changes. There is still a lot to brainstorm about but this is just another idea that my group had.

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