Friday, November 26, 2010

Final Idea!

We decide to change our project idea once more. We thought out doing a Hamlet Therapy project. Instead of doing a finger puppet musical in which there is not much analyzing to be done, we will instead write a script and make a movie of Hamlet and the rest of the characters in the play in a therapy session. We will conduct like an interview and go deep inside their emotions and how we think they are feeling throughout different scenes of the play. We will most likely be making therapy sessions for Hamlet, Ophelia, Gertrude, Claudius and maybe Laertes and Horatio but we will be focusing mostly on those 4 main characters. Maybe we will have the therapist ask the characters briefly what is going on in the play and then conduct questions for the characters to answer. We might add a couples therapy session for Hamlet and Ophelia also and maybe for Gertrude and CLaudius to make things more interesting. We will continue to work not he project during the break and pray that everything will work out!

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