Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Role of Women

I find it amazing how even today there are people who believe that women shouldn't do certain things and only belong in the kitchen. I really realized this when one of my friends said that she was going to cook and one of the guys said "yea thats where women belong; in the kitchen." I dont think he was actually serious about it, but it made me realize that there are people that still think like this. In my opinion this is complete bull. Sure I know how to cook but it doesnt mean that in the future when I'm married that I'm going to be the only one cooking all of the time. This used to happen in my house almost everyday. My mom would come home from work exhausted and have to go straight into the kitchen to cook for the family.

This also reminds me of the play 'A Doll's House' because of the role of the woman. In the play she wasn't allowed to borrow money unless she was with her husband or another man. She was also having to work to pay off the debt and said she felt proud to "earn money as if she was a man." I find this ridiculous because a woman has every right to do anything a man can do. She doesn't have to work 'like a man' because she can work like a woman and probably do it better than how a man would do it.

I also hated how in the past they made Ibsen change the ending to the play. Instead of leaving and discovering who she was in life, he had to write that she just went to the kids and started to cry. What's up with people always making women cry for everything. They need to show women as they are which is strong and independent. In todays society most women have good jobs and can support themselves without the help of a man and thats the way it should be.

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