Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finals Approaching

This is the end of the semester and we will begin to have our finals in less than two weeks. Around this time, I feel like things get very tense because one would have to study for many finals within two weeks. What makes it so stressful is that for most classes, finals are cumulative. So many formulas/equations, definitions, chapters, and other stuff to go over or memorize….it is a bit overwhelming. During the beginning of the semester most students are relaxed and think that there is plenty of time to study. As the semester progresses, by the middle of the semester it feels as if half the semester was over so quickly. Then, as the finals week approaches, the days feel so short. I think that this semester is coming to an end so quickly and have less than two weeks to prepare for 4 finals. In addition to college being fast paced, each semester is much shorter compared to each semester of the school year in high school.
We learn much more in much less time and our finals cover so much more information compared to high school. In a way, this is good because this type of scenario prepares students to use the time more efficiently and effectively and prepares us for the “real world”. However, many students cram and study throughout the nights consecutively with very little sleep in order to prepare for the final exams. Furthermore, many students drink lots of coffee and energy drinks in order to stay awake and focus. This is why the last 3 weeks of every semester for most people is so stressful.

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