Thursday, December 2, 2010

People are becoming disconnected by using social media

Nowadays, millions of people, especially young adults and kids are on their computers chatting, facebooking, and texting in their cell phones. This is a form of mass communication and people are always up to date on the latest news, gadgets, things that friends are doing or saying. However, this is a potential problem in the sense that more and more people are basically interacting with a computer screen/ cell phone screen when communicating with others. I think that eventually in the near future, the upcoming generations will be so accustomed to communicating /talking indirectly via email, text messages, social media sites, and instant messengers, that they will have trouble communicating with people face to face. In a way, social media/networking sites, texting, is efficient and useful/ entertaining depending on the purpose of use and intent. However, simultaneously as people are becoming more dependent on communicating a lot via a computer screen, they are not interacting in person as much.
It is true that even though we say “lol” when we chat or communicate thru social media/networking sites, nobody actually “laughs out loud” although one might laugh a bit. “Lol” has actually become such a common thing to say for just about anything. In reality, sometimes we just type “lol” simply as a response or part of a comment. It really does not even mean anything sometimes other than a word that is part of a sentence to “enhance it” or imply a sense of good/funny emotion to it. I think that in the future, there will be news about severe cases of communication disorder/inability to communicate in a normal manner in real life because such individuals are used to communicating via a computer screen most of the time. In real life, when we think something is funny, we don’t say “lol”. Some people are online communicating via social networking sites and texting much more than others. I think as of now for even people that sit for hours in front of the computer screen everyday chatting or whatever, they are not likely to show signs/symptoms of communication disorder. In the future, kids growing up accustomed to communicating via a computer screen when not in school, they will have communication disorder in some form or another due to very limited interaction with people in person other than in school.

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