Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oedipus and Hamlet

Oedipus and Hamlet
Despite the fact that Oedipus and Hamlet were written in different era of history by people of different backgrounds, it seems to present a view that is eternally existent in mankind; women deepen problems. In Oedipus, despite the fact that the main conflict was the plague in the city, the conflict gets more serious as Oedipus finds the truth about him and his mother, and their forbidden affairs. Hamlet’s mother’s affair with Claudius causes the drama with Hamlet and his drive for vengeance. In these dramas, the women take a big part in triggering many problems such as Pandora.
The same seems to apply to the real world as well, looking at all the sex scandals of politicians and celebrities. I was in my technology and ethics lecture the other day, and by using GoogleEarth, it is possible to track down all the politicians walking in and out of strip clubs. Furthermore, the presidents, like Obama encountered problems of such as well. Not only politicians, but other celebrities, such as sports starts face public downfalls through the revealing of their secret affairs. Although there are many other issues that takes them down publicly, sexual encounter seems to be the biggest and the most common one.

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