Sunday, October 31, 2010


My posts have been jumping around a lot lately, i have most of them on this user name but i also have 2 on the globalcivicmedia2 user name. I figure since most of my blogs are already on this user name i might as well put everything onto this one. Anyway onto the actual post. In class the professor talked about the balance of things or the sort of ying-yang. Where one thing complements the other in a way that is very appealing. Previous to talking about this in class i had not given it much thought. I had always known it was there but never really paid much attention to it. Now that i am more aware of it i see it more often. A lot of times when I'm walking into a building, the way the building interacts with the environment or the way the light reflects off the surface of the building. Overall i feel that as we talk about more and more things in this class i see things much differently. At time the professor can talk about things that are really out there. But in the end they really make you think and see the world differently from your previous perspective.

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