Thursday, October 21, 2010

Don Juan

Okay I' in the middle of reading this play and right now Don Juan is talking to Charlotte and asking her to marry him because he has fallen madly in love with her. While I'm reading this, all I can think of is "damn this guy is good." Everything he says sounds mad sincere and if I didnt know what kind of an ass he is to women even I would believe him. He tells her how he thinks she is beautiful and how she wasn't made to marry a peasant and that he was sent from heaven to prevent her from making that mistake. This whole time that he is saying this you cant help but think "damn..this is really good bull."

I also found it amazing how he justifies his actions. He says that there is no way that he can commit to one woman because then it wouldn't be fair to deny his love to other women who deserve to be loved. He can't be with one woman because he is enthralled by many.

He truly does see what he does as a game. Don Juan will find a woman and try to court her. At first the woman will be resistant and not want him, but the more he tries the more willing she becomes. Then his great accomplishment is when he can get even one of the most modest women to sleep with him. But thats where the game ends for him. According to him, at this point "Desire is tempered, lessened, sated; There's nothing more to say and naught to do ....there's naught left to be given or received..." In other words "ok I'm finished with you...NEXT!"

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