Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Only Thing Men Want

I think that all men only want one thing from women and thats sex. When you think about it thats probably the only thing that they have on their minds. Sure there are proly those guys that are more mature than others but its something thats just embedded in their brains.

In the movie Onibaba, the ex-samurai kept looking at the younger girl and you could just tell what he was thinking. He was always trying to convince her to sleep with him and kept insisting until she finally agreed. In Don Juan, this guy is one of the biggest pimps there is. He tries to sleep with a lot of women and will do anything to get what he wants. He even marries them and makes them believe that he is going to spend all eternity with them. But once he actually gets what he wants then he just leaves and moves onto the next woman.

I think that people who do this dont deserve respect. They are going around playing women and making them feel like they are the love of their lives just so they can get into bed with them. This is just sleazy and just being a bastard. I hope that one one day all these men really do find the woman of their dreams and that woman does the same thing to them that they did to all those other women so that they know exactly how it feels.

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