Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Me v. Sketchup.. Round 2

At first I was afraid, I was petrified.. (breaks into song)

Here I go again. I definitely have a love hate relationship with this program and since my TV was taken from me today to be fixed and its scary quiet in my apartment... Yeah I've been working on this for a while. It's funky, but I like it. I have a feeling I'll add some more but my hand is killing me so I need to call it a night. Just thought I'd update. I've been writing down blog ideas but I've been too lazy to post (ehhh honesty is important). My sketchup take 2 thing was ~1600 some odd frames and ~230MB so can't upload it directly.

Sleep, oh how I miss you.
My super is coming over tomorrow to check on my microwave which died in some time in August but I haven't had a chance to be home so he could come by. I told one of my friends I haven't had a microwave for that long and he said he's surprised I'm still alive... Yup I'm still here.

I think this is #27.. I really should look this up... I'll change it later if I'm wrong. I'm so tired I'm delirious so this is it for me.

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