Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who runs things

I think men are usually expected to run things and make the decisions and what not. I think they think they're the ones that do it but that's not how it really works. I think women push men into making decisions and make them believe they thought of it. Think My Big Fat Greek Wedding when they let the girl (don't remember her name) go take the classes in college. Her mother and aunt decide to make the father believe he came up with the idea. They just steer him in the right direction and mission accomplished.

I think that's how it works a lot of times, men may not know it but yeah. Trying to control everything will get you "caught" but doing it once in a while for important things makes more sense. Controlling everything wouldn't be fun either.

On the upside since traditional women's roles are changing now we don't have to sneak in decisions. It seems like the one who makes the most money in a household carries the most weight and can make more decisions. But even without that, women usually decide what's for dinner, how the kids should be raised if the man's working and a lot of other household stuff. Since she can speak for the kids she can put in her 2 cents for vacation spots and whatnot. So sorry guys, you may think you run things but the truth is.. we do.

It maybe a cliche but men, for the most part, want sex and after sex when you're practically a bowl of jello (like you can poke it and it just wiggles, there's not much of a reaction) women can slip in a few of her own ideas.

In a relationship, both parties have to give and take. After you realize you aren't enemies and there isn't a winner and a loser if you have to compromise a lot can be accomplished.

"A man may wear the pants in the family but the woman controls the zipper."


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