Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

More funny ngs

NG from our project!

Why Can't we ALL be friends?

So i decided to write ONE MORE LAST BLOG =)
why can't everyone just be friends? I'm really freaking out right now because there is way too much drama in this world. Where ever you go, there's drama EVERYWHERE. Girls fighting over Boys and it goes the same for Boys. The term "Bros before hoes" and "chicks before dicks"... is so not true. Lately my close friends have been fighting over relationship problems and girls talking stuff about other girls.... I thought once I come to college all of this would change but apparently nothing has changed. I feel like I'm in High school all over again. Wait, let me change that to Junior High School. Sigh.. I am having so much stress these days and sometimes I can't even help but get angry at my friends. Why can't everyone just be friends? Lets just all go to the mall and hang out =)

My last Final is Tomorrow!

I hate finals week :(
My last final is tomorrow, FINALLY.
I dont know what I'll be doing for the winter break but I hope I get to go on the skiing trip that I was dying for ever since the summer. I love the view of the mountains and trees. It's a bit weird but I love nature! hehe I can't believe tomorrow is my last final! This semester went so feels like just yesterday when I walked into this theater class for the first time. It's kind of making me feel a little mushy because I never want College to end. I don't think I'm ready for the real world. It really scares me. Whenever I walk around the city I see people walking to work and running late. I can't see myself doing that. I know i may sound a little immature typing this but I felt that I should vent on this blog before I start studying for my Biology test tomorrow! I wish every final in Stony Brook University can be like this theater class final! Every final in school is so boring and stressful! Okay I'm going to stop venting and start my studying. Wait, I'm going to 711 first to get my large cup of coffee =)

The Tank

I had a lot of fun at the tank for the second time :)
There were so many different good actors and actresses.
The performances were pretty interesting because the lights were moving in every direction
We got to just listen to great music and relax while watching different videos!
I learned a lot through this theater class about art and theater life.
All the classmates were interacting with each other and I got to know the classmates more!
It really was a lot of fun this would be the best final ever. I can't wait to put it on my resume about my experience at The Tank hehe yay!

interview part 1/2

Interview part 1

Interview part 2

Interview part 3

our theme song for the video

parts of the final video

iphone 4

Last post yay! Finally the semester is over and what's done is done.
Finally, I have entered the era of smartphones. My brick of a phone had finally passed away. I have to say though I am in love with the phone. Although I think i would still prefer a querty pad over touch texting. I heard from a friend that jail breaking the phone is legal now but I have a warantee on my phone so I don't want to lose that because I am very clumsy.
The apps are amazing and convenient but getting wifi that is steady around campus seems to be difficult for me. But I have a contrasting list of answers from people I know about how jail breaking is worth it or not. Help?

Hamlet Skin Part 3

Hamlet Skin Part 2

Hamlet Skin Part 1

christmas presents

I can not be more excited for this break or for christmas.
I just received some grades earlier today and it was like that feeling of getting presents. Before you open them you have no idea what they'd be and that excitement, strangely revisited me today. Walking towards the pile of projects and searching for my name to receive a good grade was like getting a present during christmas.

Christmas this year is going to be hosted at my house again and I'm very excited. We will be playing the white elephant game which is I feel a more practically and money saving way of exchanging presents when you have a big family, and I for one have a huge family.
Going home and decorating, baking and cooking is going to be such a nice treat. If this year is going to be as much fun as next year I will be surprised.

texture of time

texture of time writing

texture of time

texture of time fall trees

texture of time

texture of time sky

Hamlet Skin

Hamlet Skin-3

textures of time 3

car ride 1

car ride 2

Hamlet Skin-1

textures of time 3

lighter and wind

Textures of time 2

walking to class texture of time

Family film on youtube

textures of time

blue abstract jewel texture
this is actually a paper weight

Hamlet Skin 2

Sketchup Eye candy

youtube decides to work with me.
Here is my very over due sketch up eye candy
I stayed in the pink, blue and purple color theme and just combined a bunch of shapes and edges to it. The quality isn't that great but it was better than my family video one.


I am finally done with my finals, all I have left are these blog entries which I will definitely finish by tonight.
It amazes me how much caffeine is an asset to my life during this cruel cruel week. Starbucks has become my second home and without that buzz of energy, I don't think surviving this week would be humanly possible. Even though it is 7:30 and I've been going non stop at finals and projects since 6 in the morning, I don't feel a thing.
All I'm doing is waiting for that crash to hit me. I still feel kind of jittery right now and hence the random entry for which I apologize.
Technology does not like me because I keep trying to upload videos onto my youtube account and constantly that little sad red face would appear apologizing for the inconvenience of how it just absolutely could not load my file correctly.
I feel like every piece of technology now is being updated. I'm the only one who's slacking in this area because I feel like every program I seem to open alerts me on how I can't do this function or that function because I need to update it. I just simply don't have the time or money to keep up with all these updates!

Preparing for Hamlet: Random Monologue 2

Preparing for Hamlet: Random Monologue

Hamlet Ideas 1&2

Long Overdue "The Tank" pictures

Here are the long overdue pictures from our THR final at The Tank.

I must admit, the trip to the city was a wonderful experience. Out of all the finals I had to take, this one was probably the best because I really miss the hustle and bustle of the city. I can't wait to go home already!

I really enjoyed THR class because it was a much smaller class than most of my other classes and therefore I got to connect with people on a more personal basis. My other classes are lecture classes with 300 or so people. >_<

After leaving the theater, Harrison, Alex, Chris, and I went out to eat and walked all over Times Square. It was a really great experience and probably the most fun I've had in a while. Chem class is never that much fun. Most of the time, we just sit in the Union Auditorium, listen to an old man talk for about an hour and a half, and try not to fall asleep.

I'm really going to miss you guys!

Last Post for the Semester/Class!!!

My last and final post for THR 104.
When I look back on all the classes we had, I think I really enjoyed going to class and listening and talking about all the different plays and films that we watched.
This was one of those classes where you can breathe and relax and just talk about stuff.
About life, and about movies (and plays).

As I look around in the North Reading Room of the Melville Library, I can happily say that I am finished with everything. This is my last post for the class (though it is a day or so late).
I feel like I've accomplished so much this semester.
I started to blog, I studied way more than I did last semester. (I practically lived in the library! My roommate would only see me when I come back into the room, and most of the time she is already sleeping.)
But next semester is going to kill me.

6 lectures and 2 labs. A total of 19 credits.
And these aren't just any classes. They are mostly classes that I need to take in order to get into the Nursing Program here at Stony Brook University.
What we do to get the job that we want...
Or is it what I really want?

Lately people have been telling me that I should have pursued pastry art. (Which is basically baking.) I love love love love love baking. And I really wish I was able to learn more about the different types if pastries and the different ways of making them!
If I had the perfect oppertunity to go into pastry arts, I would.
But alas, this world calls me into a different place.

So long THR 104. It was great being here.
Hope ya'll have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Procrastination at it's best

Who would've thought I would still be here blogging today. I definitely didn't. But taking Chemistry at Stony Brook University comes at a price. Yesterday, I took what I perceived to be the most DIFFICULT test I've taken in my entire life so far. My chem FINAL. Most people assume that Chemistry shouldn't be that bad, especially for a physics major like me. However, when your professor ends the lecture two days before the final exam and then the all the new material ends up on the final, things get complicated. In sum, I'm just happy to be done with everything until next semester.

Finally Finished!

I can finally breathe normally and eat normally.
I am finally, FINALLY, finished with all of my final exams.
I emailed my WRT 302 professor my 10 page research paper.
I took my BIO 202 exam yesterday morning.
I took my PSY 240 exam this morning.
And I just finished my EST 201 exam.
And now, I am almost done with all the posts for this THR 104 class.
What a wonderful feeling.

I have such a bad habit of not going to sleep and not eating while I study for exams.
I have so many things that I want to be done and so many things that I want to study that sleep seems like a total waste of time. (But then again, because I didn't sleep the night before, I was falling asleep during my BIO exam....)
Eating also seemed like a distraction and if I ate, I would get sleepy from eating.
Yeah, it seems really extreme.. but the past few days, I think I ate a total of 4 meals...
If I were put in a situation where surviving meant eating, I would lose. I would probably wait until everyone got something then start to eat.
But by then, everyone would have finished the food by then.

This world is so harsh and so unfair.
Exams are a total GPA downer. I don't do well on exams but I do really well in the field.
I'm not the sort of person that can read and just remember what I read.
I learn really quickly, but it takes time for me to remember everything important...
Oh well. Untill the new year starts, no more exams for me!


Studying for Finals

I would have never thought studying for a costume class would be so tedious. I must master all the names of the different stitches, gadgets and gizmos, lengths and measurements, vocabulary and mechanics of costume by 11am tomorrow morning. I'm more of a hands on kind of gal, who learns better and faster with experience. Although I love reading for leisure, it's harder to absorb information if I cannot relate to it, I believe that would go for most of us. Anyways, when people think of theater classes and requirements, I feel like most look down upon it. They think of it as a joke and don't take it seriously compared to bio or chem.(not that i'm pointing any fingers) but just in general. I just feel like no matter how lowly a subject or career may seem, there's always an art and level of skill behind it. There are so many big shots that walk around like they know everything or what they know IS everything. I resent that attitude. If I were to ask them the details of design they wouldn't be able to tell me because it is not in their area of concentration. If I asked them to design a set or just create a piece of art, most people can't anymore. Even though there is no such thing as correct in art, there is still skill. I feel like it is harder and harder for people to create things now and that's a pity. So much of our society is mechanic, running on batteries and turning wheels. Are we progressing or limiting ourselves?


Procrastination is like karma.
It always comes back and bites you in the behind.
You'd think that being a junior and all I would realize and learn from past mistakes that if I start things on time, my load will end up lighter in the end. This year I've made improvements in certain areas which is progress being that I haven't even fixed this horrible habit of mine. So, I can look back on this semester as a baby step forward. Sadly though, big changes like this take time and don't happen over night so I am stuck with still a huge load of work in front of me.
I don't know what it is about procrastination. It is like a drug. It's seduces you in every possible way, the excitement you get when you know you should be doing something but chose to do something completely in the opposite direction of important. Is it our rebellious nature that causes this untreatable magnetic attraction? It's like Eve and that apple, a siren's calling that pulls you away from your work. Even now, this here is a form of procrastination, more productive since it is mandatory and also an assignment, but I should be starting my paper or studying for my exam in the morning, but instead I am catching up on my blog entries, which is surprisingly stress relieving.


It's funny what thoughts run through your brain when it nears dawn and you still have work to do and things to study for. It almost feels like new years eve. The new year is right around the corner and you begin to analyze what the past year has been like, what the good times were, what the bad times were, what goals were accomplished, if resolutions were kept, etc. During finals week, I go through the same thing except with the semester. Have I done my best to earn my grades, did I take too many classes, did I not take enough, what should I have spent more time on, etc. It becomes a flashback of projects and tests and papers. Depressing as it may sound I feel like it helps me set more goals for the next semester, lessons learned and most of it all is through trial and error. It is absolutely freezing in my room and I have the slightest idea why since all the other days the heater makes the room so dry to the point I can actually walk around in shorts.

The Tank Reading

The act that came right after Hamlet was a reading. I don't recall what the name of it was but I just remember loving it. Usually, the typical showcase of a production would be a play or something along those lines, where a set was needed, costume, makeup, props, spectacle. I had forgotten how powerful just words could be, how much I used to love story telling. They wore all black and sat across the stage with the story in their hands and just had such a rhythmic chemistry amongst each of the different characters. The timing of the words interaction was on dot and I think that added to its believability and their conversations sounded so normal in pace and tone that it was easier for the audience to imagine it to be true. Usually, in theater we are mostly practicing our sense of vision and to be exercising another sense is new. As strange as it may seem, I think they cast very well in voices. The voices really matched the characters that were played. The textures that were projected played very well as they scanned across the faces and uniformed looks of the performers, tying in to a trance of mental imagination of all that is being spoken and the world the performers were creating for us.
Here are more photos of the night.

The Tank

I can say that I've never had a final like this one and that I think it is a lot more fun than the old test or paper. I definitely don't need any more of those. It was refreshing although inconvenient to have to go into the city during finals week, but it was a nice change of scenery from staller or the library.
Even though the theater wasn't what I had expected, the show was great. It was nice to see all that we've worked on displayed and projected across the stage. It was nice to see friends on the stage wearing what you had suggested and some what designed. Personally I've always involved myself with extra curricular activities from day one of any kind of schooling, I love shows and being a part of its production. This semester I took 6 classes so I had to give up that part in my life for the first time and honestly, it made me realize how important that chunk was to me. It was my stress reliever surprisingly, something to keep me busy and not dwindle on problems that I create by thinking too much.
Hamlet came out lovely, here are some photos I took with my phone.

First Impression of The Tank

I was extremely excited as my boyfriend and I drove down into the city and through the streets near where the location of the tank was supposed to be. There were so many pubs and bars and restaurants, so many theaters and lights. I was so excited to see where and how the Tank was supposed to look like. It was a difficult find at first being a tiny building and I knew it was going to be off off broadway so I was expecting a low cost area. I just didn't think it would be that small. It was difficult enough as it was just to fit the students into the theater. The stage wasn't that bad in size for an off off broadway space but the seating could have extended, people were sitting on the floor in the isle, standing in the back, in the lobby or sitting on the steps leading onto the stage. I had no idea that it would be so packed and it was a good thing I just brought one person with me or else there would be no way to fit inside that theater.

Make up designs for Hamlet Skin

I also had some make up designs in mind
The quality of the photos aren't so great, and I'll admit I had a little fun and went a little crazy with some of them, so I hope none of the actors or actresses will take any offense. It's a little upsetting that we couldn't carry out the designs but I'm glad there's a space to post it up so people can see them anyway. It would've been fun to see it on the actors and actresses though.

Before After (Claudius)

Before After (Gertrude)

Before After (Hamlet)

After (Ophelia) Before

Back track, days leading up to the TANK

Before the showing at the TANK, a couple of classmates and myself were given the assignment to put together the costume look of the Hamlet section. We had a couple ideas of what we wanted and tried to work that in with what the professor wanted. In an ideal world with a lot of time and material and of course money, the looks would have been successfully executed but since we don't live in that utopia we had to work with what we had.

The easiest theme that is most organized would be black and white, and that's what we aimed for. The white was initially to better present the video textures and images to be projected onto the actors and actresses. We had little knowledge of what the space looked like so that was difficult as well.

I was initially supposed to put up my designs on the walls or in the lobby the day of but things were quite hectic and I just never got a chance to, also because the place was practically full by the time I arrived.

So, I'll use the space given here to show what I've done for the project.
Hope you Enjoy!




This will be the last post for now, since I still have my psychology exam to study for...
The last two will be done afterwards.

This post is about the different mothers that I have encountered over my life time.
Sure, my life hasn't been lived for a long time, but the people that I have met makes me feel much older than I am.

There are those who care, and just care because they do.
There are others who don't really care too much.
And then there are those who really, truly, and honestly care.

My friend's mom is like the ones who really care for me.
She is like an extension of our family. Though I only get to see her once in a blue moon (I live in New York, they live in Honduras, Central America) they take me into their home like I'm one of their family members.

I really can't wait to see her this winter!!
Though I hate getting on the airplane and having to put up with the airport security, I'm glad that I will have some relaxing time with her.
And hopefully we will get to go to the beach!!

The Caucasian Chalk Circle

In the group that did the RUR reading, a few of them were in a play recently done by other Stony Brook Students called The Caucasian Chalk Circle.

I went to watch it because one of my friends were in it.

It was actually a pretty good play. The story line was funny and not too serious, and the actors were really good.
Though there were parts that were not perfect, they were more or less really good.
Better than what I would have done.

The Caucasian Chalk Circle is about a girl who decided to take care of a baby that was not her's, looking after it day after day.
Though in the beginning she did not want it, the more she spent time with the baby, the more fonder she grew of him.

Near the end of the play, the girl encounters the real mother, who was the grand duke's wife (for the girl was a servant to the grand duke's wife). The wife wanted the child back, but the girl had already created a special relationship with the child, and fought to have custody of the child.

The judge, seeing as how each of the mothers were, decided to make them do a trial.
The judge had a circle drawn on the floor and had the child be put in the middle of the circle.
He then had the mothers take each hand and at the count of three, the one who gets the child to their side of the circle would be able to keep the child.

The girl, not wanting to hurt the child, decided to let go before any harm came to the child.
Seeing this, the judge decided to hand the child over to the girl, for she should more love and care for him than the real mother.

How much care and time and struggle mothers go through for their child.

RUR Reading

The RUR reading, done by the theater majors during the gig at the Tank, was pretty interesting.

Even though they were only using their voices, I still got the feeling of the whole play.
The parts that are supposed to be funny, or scary, or serious, or whatever else, were what they were supposed to be.

I guess that is the difference between someone who is just interested and someone who loves the whole concept of being an actor.

So basically, RUR is about the future, where robots become just like humans, and at times, more than just human.

This reminds me of the movie I, Robot.
It's pretty much the same concept, just put into film.
This topic is also used in a few anime shows that I have watched before.

With technology improving more and more, it's a wonder none of us are robots yet.
Sure, people have robot parts attached to them because of certain circumstances that they were in, but none of us are yet 100% robot.

To be totally honest, I'm not looking forward to our future.
What would happen if everything was done by robots?
How would we learn how to take care of ourselves without the help of robots?
How would we learn to be human if we are taught by robots?

What if I liked the way that we are today?
What if I didn't want the world to change into something cold and metal?

After the Tank

Doing the gig at the tank was such a new experience to me. It felt so real and so unreal at the same time.

Was I really doing this? Was this really what our class and other classes put together?
It was odd, yet, somehow refreshing.

The day consisted mostly of walking around in Manhattan and eating lunch before going to Starbucks to wait for Jeeuk.
While I was waiting for him, it felt surreal being in the city after so long of not being part of it.
My high school was located in Harlem so I would have to take the subway and the buses everyday.

I really enjoyed the city then, but as of right now, it's more of an annoyance.
Too much people at once trying to go in the same direction. Doing the same things every day.
I've done it so many times, that its become a bore to me.
Sure, trying new things is fun, but trying it at the same place for years is betting somewhat boring. Every time my friends and I want to hang out, its either in Flushing, Queens or somewhere downtown Manhattan.

Is it just me, or has the luster and the shine of Manhattan begun to wear off?

all nighter

It's 3 in the morning and I still have so much to do
I have the blogs to finish, I have a final paper to start, I have an exam to study for, and another final project all of which are due tomorrow.
I cannot wait until this week is over. I'd like to share my final project for my other class with you guys since it's very christmas like and right before the holidays.
So here's a little of my work for any one who's procrastinating out there alongside with me.
Good luck with finals!

The Tank

Hmm. As of right now, I really should be studying for my psychology exam.
But I really want to finish off the last few blog entries.
I don't know if they count, since Dec 15th is over and the 16th is just beginning.
But I'll do them anyways. For my own peace of mind.

So here are the pictures that I took during our gig of "Hamlet Skin" and the Theatre major's reading of "R U R".

It was pretty crowed since the theater was pretty small.

Some of us had to sit on the floor, the steps between the seats, and even on the stage steps.

Break Time!

While studying for a psychology exam, I came across the topic of love.
Hmm.. I never knew love could be so complex.
I just thought of it as having strong feelings for something and doing everything for them unconditionally.

Unconditional love.
Seems to be the something that everyone wants and looks for, but could never find.


This psych test is going to be the difference between me getting another C in a psychology class or me finally getting a B.

But I should be happy, right?
Just two more finals to go, and then I can finally rest and chill.
Most of my senior friends are already finished with their finals.

Hopefully, during this holiday season, people will find love and be able to spend time with their beloveds.

(hahaha.. my friend is humming to this chinese song that is playing in my room in her sleep.)

Christmas in the city

Some people may call me a grinch but honestly I despise christmas time in New York City. Christmas trees line the street and block parking spots, street cleaners take sudden holidays, tipping my super for not fixing anything in my building, stores jacking up prices for holiday shopping. Not my cup of tea. I think the worst part is the tourists, all over midtown when Im trying to get somewhere, literally taking pictures of everything. They invade museums, stores and trains. They create pedestrian traffic. They ask random questions like "do you know where the empire state building is" when they could literally just look up. If the city taxed tourists extra fees for parking, trains and tolls to walk around the city durring christmas time we would make back our entire economic deficit. The most annoying part of christmas is how christmas day everything is closed and the day after everyone dumps their christmas trees outside for me to trip over. Can we just skip christmas this year and go straight to new years festivities?

time lapse art

As I was uploading videos to youtube I found this amazing stop motion/time lapse video of alex young creating one of his masterpieces. He is probably the most talented pen and ink artists I have ever seen and his art is very stylized and unique. check it out.

more video from final project

more videos from project----train 4

sketch up 4

sketch up 3

sketch up 2

sketch up 1

how can new york city arrest artists

Illegal graffiti is probably the most difficult urban art form the hours, dollars and time that artists spend on their peices just for them to be viewed for a few days if not hours before the city spends more tax dollars to get it erased.


demise of the upper west

Ive lived and grown up in one of the best neighborhoods in New York City filled with culture and class. However in recent years everything that defined the neighborhood- the sketchy bodegas and random weird mom and pop stores have been replaced by large conglomerate stores, duane reades, starbucks and banks. I swear in a five block radius from my house there are 4 drugstores, 5 banks and 3 starbucks. What used to be frame stores, clothing shops, lamp stores, grocery stores and bodegas are victorias secrets and gamestops. RIP

5 fast 5 furious

The new trailer for the Fast 5 (the next installment of the Fast and the Furious series) just got released tuesday. As a big Vin Diesel fan I am very excited. I even watched the Trailer when it premired on Vin Diesels Facebook Page tuesday at 4. However I already am dissapointed. I have actually went to go see all the fast and the furious movies on opening day and really like all of them (besides 2 fast 2 furious becuase it was irrelevent to the plot of the series) anyhow I am very dissapointed after watching the trailer because of how there seems to be no plot. The entire trailer is just snippets of explosions and Vin Diesel and The Rock's one liners.
Trailer :

50th blog!

I can't believe i finally made it to 50 blogs. when i first found out we had to blog fr this class i thought it was a littel weird because i had never blogged before but it actually turned out pretty cool. its fu to just let out your thoughts and opinions even ifno one actually reads it. it is still important to get it all out there. Overall i enjoyed this class a lot. At the final it seemed like we were one big family. Everyone was excited and happy to be there and it was really nice seeing our hard work pay off. I think Professor Baldwin is a great professor and really knows what he is talking about. even though he might yell at us fr our stony brook faces or our "i don't know" answers, he does it for the best of us. All he wants is for each of us to be successful and im sure he really left a great impact on all the students he had. good luck next semester everyone! see you all around campus.

This was the people performing the RUR play. This was very different than Hamlet. They stayed seated the whole time and read from scripts. this prevents the audience from being more involved. its hard to tell what the characters are supposed to be doing. I was wondering if they actually practiced their lines a lot or not. it is still definitely important to go over the scrpit before you are about to read it to an audience. overall they did a good job considering the conditions the paly was to be performed in

these are pictures i took from the city and Hamelt. i really enjoyed going down there and i was very engaged in the play. the actors were really into what they were doing and they used the language just like the language used in hamlet really good. it was a lot better than i expected and it was actually really interesting. i would definitely go back again but with students i knew. it made a difference that i knew some people and that they were my fellow classmates

the vj

the vj seemed like a fun but complicated job. i dont tihnk i would know what to do at all but once you learn what everything means im sure it is not difficult at all. There seemed to be so many options in that mac msp program that they were showing us in class. YOu can make so many changes in the way the video looks along with the way it sounds. Being able to do this definitely makes our videos more engaging and fun and makes people interested to see what they could do with the work they have created themselves. i though it was really cool to have our videos playing while the play was taking place.


I am obssessed with the Radio City Rockettes. i think what they do is amazing and i've always been in love with them. it would be a dream come true to be one of them and perform in the Radio City Christmas Show. i love going to this show i wish i could go every year but tickets are expensive. i went last year with my boyfriend at the time and it was as good as i expected. The rockettes are just so amazing and always in unison. i wonder how much practice they go through, it must consume their lives. At least they look really good doing it. Iknow you have to be a certain height to even consider being one. they are so tall and skinny its insane. i respect them all and their talents. i even have an ornament oft hemon my christmas tree!


my roommate is going to the Usher concert on saturday and im really jealous. im not in love with usher but i do enjoy his music i think it is really good, but her on the other hand=insane. she is beyond in love with him. i know she will be crying when she is there her obsession is a little ridiculous. this got me tihnking about how badly i want to go to a concert. i absolutely love going to concerts. they are so much fun and give you such a good feeling when you are there. hearing music live is really unlike anything else. my favorite band was the academy is... and i was in depression when the concert was over. i had the time of my life there. I also enjoy going to bamboozle. two years ago we went and we stayed over night in a hotel and ahd a crazy fun time. i cant wait to go back there or to any concert some time soon

16 and pregnant/teen mom

i am actually in love with both 16 and pregnant and teen mom. some people find them ridiculous but i love babies and little kids and seeing people our age or younger taking care of them is so intriguing to me. obviously 16 is an insane age to get pregnent but it seems to be pretty common. i dont know when people are going to learn and realize what the consequences really are. i also think it is a form of advertisment and as much as these girls share with us how hard it is, it may encourage other younger girls to try it. also, seeing them on tv for this reason might make other girls consider it as well. i know their message is to try and raise awareness about how serious it is but im sure not all girls take it that way.


so i am in a woman studies class and everyone in is really feminist. i dont consider myself a strong feminst at all but some people are pretty extreme. one of my good friends is in that class and she is a woman studies major. she gets into arguments and fights with one of our good guy friends constantly. it is hilarious to watch because she is so serious. She doesnt actually get mad at him they just bicker and it is amusing. i dont care that much about those things. i get my rights and im happy with who i am so im not going to go crazy preaching feminism however some people get crazy over it.

Ballet: A Beautiful Strength

these ballerinas are sooo good and so flexible. i think besides dance, this also certainly a form ofa rt. the way they creat poses and positions with their bodies is art-like. i used to take ballet and pointe so i know what these girls are doing and how difficult it really is. it taks a lot of time, practice and a lot of dedication

stony brook

so stony brook never fails to piss me off. i tried returning my bio textbook today and since it was a binder they didnt take it back. did they tell us we couldnt sell it back in the beginning of the year? of course not. i could've bought an actual textbook for about $30 more and i would have been able to sell it back but i was unaware of this information at the beginning of the semester. they are always finding ways to scam us. They did this with chem lab too. it fills up so quickly that they want you to take it in either the winter or summer and by doing this they are also making money off of you meanwhile they should create enough space for all students who need/are interested in this class

my other theater class

so i am also in theater 104 and it is soooo much different from this class. the other one is play analysis and we read plays almost every class and break them down and find things like the climax, main characters, conflict, etc. we also write essays and take quizzes and perform little skits at the end of the semester. THR 103 however is so much more hands on. They are two totally different types of theater classes. Its hard to say which one is better since they both have different concepts and goals once the class is done. Professor Baldwin really makes us things and enjoys having us engage in conversation and share our thoughts with the class at all times

Kid CuDi CuDi Zone

i've also been listening to kid cudi non stop. i think he is so good and i love all of his songs. they are really different than other artists. he has a unique voice and theme to all his music.

New Years Eve

I cant wait until new years eve is here. my good friend is having a huge party and all of our friends are really excited. so many people go into the city or out to actual places but that gets so expensive and very crowded because everyone has the same idea. i don't care where i am, as long as i am having a good time with my closest friends then i will be fine. The theme is dress to impress. we all love getting dressed up any opportunity we get, it makes everything a lot more fun. Plus, soemtimes getting ready is the best part. its always fun getting ready to go out with your closest friends.

Kinect for Xbox 360 VIdeo Game YourShape Fitness Evolved OFFICIAL E3 201...

this fitness stuff is so cool. im really into going to the gym so if this really worked it would be so awesome and it seems really fun

Kinect Sports Review

this demo was pretty cool. i love ping pong i wonder how realistic it would actually be on here. i am willing to try if i go t my hands on one of these.

black ops

black ops is literally taking over the world. These crazy games keep getting more and more intense apparently but you see every guys status saying they are playing it. i obviously don't see the fun or excitement in it. My best friends step-dad even plays. every time i am over her house he is on the couch playing. its such a bizzarre sight but i guess your never too old to play video games. call of duty seems to be one of the most popular games right now. its crazy how much time it consumes, but i guess its pretty similar to all the time people spend on facebook

Black Friday

Out in the City

Upper West Don't Mess

upper west side

7 train ride.

old scketchup pics

old scketchup

bio final

So a very interesting thing happened during my bio final tonight. It took place in the sports arena because there are so many people in the class, but when we got there they were 130 tests short. So a bunch of us sitting towards the back of the room didn't have a test when we first got there. someone had to run back and get them. it was crazy i couldn't believe they didn't have enough tests, dont they know how many studentsa re in the class? apparently not. it took 45 minutes before we got to start. our teacher gave us as much time as we needed though but i wish we got extra points or something. that was a lot of valuable study time wasted by sitting staring at a wall.

old sketchup

kanye west

Kanye's new cd is really good. i've been listening to it so much lately. i still cant get over what he did to Taylor Swift. That was really messed up with him but his songs are really good so i still enjoy listening to him but i felt terrible for ehr that night.

City View


Metro Part 2

New York City continued.


New York City.

last one

This was fun but i must go now..... winter break of relaxing is calling me!!! I had fun... Gooooooooooooooooooooooood luck on finals tooo all.......... HAVE A SAFE A FUN CHRISTMAS N NEWYEARS!!! I WANT AN [A+ ] FOR REAL !!! LOL

Hamlet - Relationships

What would this world be without the complicated concept that is "the relationship." We have familial relationships, friendship relationships, love relationships, to say the least/surface level." But much more deeper than that, we have millions of different, more complex types and levels of relationships that exists in every aspect of life. There is too much to say about relationships, how to pursue one, how to keep one, how to grow one and so forth. The main point of this post is to say relationships only need one thing to begin, grown, and remain, and that is...people. Without people relationships wouldn't exist. Regardless of whether it's bad or good, it's still a relationship! Dwell on that...

Video 6

More video's of stony brook life.


the nanny

so does everyone know that show the nanny? i used to hate it but i realized i never actually really watched it. since it seemed old i just assumed i wouldnt be interested but my roommate loves it so i decided to watch it a few times and of course now i love it. i think its hilarious and i watch it almost every night before i go to bed. its on so much too that you can pretty much catch it on nick at nite or tv land every night. you should give things a chance before you start judging them, such a true statement


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Double Suicide

Murder. Death. Media-authorized killings. All the movies we see, all the different types of television shows we watch, songs we hear, anything based on the media....well, it fuels death and murder! You might be thinking, "what in the world am I talking about?" Well its my educated opinion that the amount of violence and graphic scenes we watch on a daily basis, has if not a direct, but an indirection association with crime and violence! Video games we play, and movies we watch I believe can subconsciously give one the desire to commit or engage in the such activities they consume through their eyes. Not to say that that is a true, direction correlation, and not to say there is a cause and effect relationship, however, but pre-psychoanalysis checks for people before they watch movies....hmm not a bad idea.

More Video's From Final Project

This one's from Russia.



I want to thank all my fellow actors for making this such an experience. I had a great time working with all of you. I feel like i am blessed to work with these talented individuals and thank you all for working with me. I had a great time especially in practice when we were all together rehearsing having a good time. Once again i had a Great time with you all and thank you Professor Baldwin For making this possible

Last blog post

So this is my last post. Wow, I can't believe I made it to 50 blog posts. Well I can believe it, I just mean that I can't believe it's the end of the semester. It went pretty quick. I had a good time. It was a bit stressful, but still a good time. I must admit I did enjoy Professor Baldwin's class at 9:50am tuesdays and thursdays. Compared to my other classes, it was actually relaxing. My journalism classes were a bit, how do I put this nicely, intense. So it was nice to step into Professor Baldwin's class and have class discussions about whatever he wanted to that day. I also must say that I learned a lot of new things about a lot of different topics. I know that's so cliche to say, but in this case it's true. I never knew about all the programs such as Byrce or Sketch-up (well I knew of Sketch-up but never used it). So just the chance to actually use these programs and see what I'm capable of creating was really cool. I liked our class discussions too and how Professor Baldwin always wanted us to think outside the box. We can't give him the answer, "I don't know." We have to pretty much say whatever comes into our mind. I feel like more professors should be like that. But all in all, I had a good time.

Joy ride? Adventure?

Okay so I just googled 'Kinect games' to see what would come up and found out some interesting stuff that I didn't know. I knew that you could play sports on the Kinect but what I didn;t know is that you could go for a joy ride and go on adventures with this thing. So I don't have to go waste gas in my real car if I wanted to go on a joy ride, I can just turn on my Kinect and go for one. And I don't have to go all the way to a tropical rain forest to go on an adventure, I can just go on one on my Kinect. It's kind of like video games but taken up about 100 levels. I was kind of indifferent to the Kinect when it first came out because I guess I wasn't sure what the point of it actually was but after researching a bit about it, it's actually really cool. So cool that I want to go out and get one for myself.

one more

after this blog i have one more to go and i feel like this went pretty fast, so ima blog about the trip to the city. the halmet part of the show was by far the best part the of the whole thing. the R.U.R part was average it was harder for me to connect with the story but once i did it was a good story with good actor and actress, all were very professional. nice job peolpe!!! shot out to deron and the foood spot he took me and ashley tooo yummmmy!!!

Good Times

I remember the day we split up into teams and we had to hide certain items from the other team and certain people decided to go rogue. But not everybody admitted it even thought my team won lol. It was a nice day out we all got to walk around converse and get to really know one another and i really had a good time. Thank you all for this great experience i wish all my classes were like this.

Last post: Mask II

I barely made it on time. It is 11:45pm and I am about to close up my blog posts by writing more about wearing a mask. Last night, I was studying for my finals, and had a fight with my girlfriend over the phone. When in distraction, I have big troubles concentrating on my works and this was the case here. I could not study for finals at all. Even if I wore a mask, it would only hide my emotions away from the others, not myself. So, the distraction was my source to fail. Yet, watch Onibaba. She wears the mask so much that at the end of the movie, her face is stuck. What if my face is study on the mask.
If ignorance to emotions was a virtue of mine, which develops from practice, then I wouldn't have to worry about my scores now. I did not have that permanent mask on me, so I lost. Looking at all the famous CEOs going to work after dramatic death of family members, or any tragic events, to get his work done, the mask must be permanently stuck on your face for you to be a REAL winner. Much respect should be given to those in our global era.

blog entries: The End.

finally done with finals

Well after living in the library for the past week i finally finished finals. Luckily i only had two but its still enough to stess you our like crazy. i got lucky with ending so early too. im home for good already. Besides the final in this class i had one in woman studies and biology. Both went pretty decent but i also put a lot of time into both of them so i hope my hard work pays off. i deserve good grades. its crazy how different classes are. women studies has a lot of classwork, homework, essays and tests to contribute to your grade which i like. Bio only has 2 tests and a final and thats your grade. i dont feel like that represents your knowledge in the class well enough. hopefully both my grades are good though, then i have nothing to worry about.


Have you ever seen watching television and all of a sudden one of those Zumba commercials comes on? This video game, or whatever you want to call it amazes me. You use the Kinect to play it and from what I understand, the Kinect can read your body motions as you dance along with the song. I mean, I though Dance, Dance Revolution was amazing. Now the Zumba comes out. I have yet to play it but I've heard some great things about it. You can basically put yourself in the shoes of the people of "So You Think You Can Dance". I mean, you're probably not as good as those dancers, but it puts you in their position. I really want to try this sometime and see if it's as amazing as everyone says it is.