Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Flock of People

A couple of days ago in class we were shown a picture of a flock of birds and were told that those birds in the picture were us. When I saw that picture I couldn't agree more. Almost all of us follow the rules of society, it is what makes this game of survival work without having to cut each other's throats. We have jail cells and laws to keep us from breaking out of society and doing what was said that man was made to do.

I could relate this to the book The Lord of the Flies which I have read in high school. I forgot the details of the book but it was about a group of boys who were stranded on an island by themselves, and without society to guide them they turned into into savages. They say that is man's true form. But with society we are like a flock of birds moving together as a whole but affected mostly by other around us. Like what was said in class, they can only see those next to them. We are only affected by those next to us. But I believe we are affected by every one of those around us. Because the bird that is next to another bird is next to another bird that is next to another bird. And it creates a chain reaction which makes the flock of birds move together. In society it is exactly the same way. Those people that we know, know other people and so on and so forth. But we move together as a whole so technically we are like a flock of people.

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